SplashShopper is an ultimate list manager that administers your list of products like groceries, wines, music, clothes, movies and the like, on your PDA or Smartphone. It can also track its current prices and locations of availability. It easily synchronizes the lists on your computer or smartphone, which has to be used along with Windows or Mac OS compatible software.
Some of its key important features include: limitless shopping lists with distinct categories, custom fields or icons, provision for entering items quickly using auto-fill, support to Hi-Res displays and fonts that include landscape screens, customized column display, Sony jog-dial support, creation of cross-platform vShop files which helps in sharing customized list with other users and list navigation using hardware buttons.
SplashShopper makes shopping easier and rather exciting. Also there is an option to create multiple lists, which makes it easier to organize all things. SplashShopper software is very simple and easy to use and also has many options like checking current prices and following the budget that makes it worth buying. SplashShopper makes it possible to buy everything that the user has planned without missing out anything.